Zero Tolerance Policy to Unacceptable Behaviour
Here at Three Rivers Health, we value our staff and feel it is important that patients behave in an acceptable manner towards them.
Three Rivers Health always operate a Zero Tolerance policy regarding any violence, abuse, or demanding behaviour.
Our Practice considers aggressive behaviour to be any personal, abusive, and aggressive comments, cursing and or swearing, physical contact and aggressive gestures.
No abuse to staff is acceptable whether verbal or physical. All abuse will be reported to the Business Manager.
All physical abuse of any of our staff by patients is reported to the police. The patient will then be removed immediately from our enrolment list and will need to register with a new GP Practice.
Any physical abuse by a patient of another practice will be reported to the police by the Business Manager and to the patient’s own practice. A request for action will be made in all cases. Any incident of verbal abuse whether in person or on the telephone, will be reported immediately to the Business Manager.
Patients are advised that any personal, abuse, aggressive comments, cursing and or swearing, physical contact and aggressive gestures may lead to your removal from our enrolment list.
The Practice will also not tolerate abuse through social media and if this is brought to our attention you may be removed from the Practice Enrolment List.